Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy bring their well-known Complete Wound Care with Suturing/Stapling Class to a USB for the first time! Included on this USB are 4 videos, one on How to Suture Skin, one on How to Staple Skin, How to set up your sterile field and how to prep the skin, so that you can see exactly how it's performed by a surgeon.
Also included is a narrated 50 slide power point presentation reviewing topics like complete wound care, diagnosing infections, suture material primer, when to close wounds and more importantly, when to leave them open. Also included is how to apply a wet-to-dry dressing, which antiseptics are best used for wound cleaning, how to perform a sterile drape, how to inject Lidocaine or other anesthetics (including how to withdraw the medication and proper sterile technique), cleaning the wound before closure and a review of ALL methods of non-invasive wound closure ( including steri strips, butterfly closures and dermabond or super glue).
4 different files are on this USB to be viewed.
This is an educational video for situations in which modern medical help is NOT available.
ALL FOUR presentations can be purchased for $59, a savings of $31! See 4 DVD SET.
This product is not for use in diagnosing or treatment of medical issues. Modern medical help should be sought if and when it is available. The practice of medicine without a license is prohibited by law.